Если буду еще работать репетитором, буду использовать следующие строчки прайса как скороговорки.
Желающие перевести - вперед)
Structurization of the new function direction or restructurization of the present function with the purpose of the taxation optimization and reduction of the tax risks.
Economic and financial operations taxation analysis on the contacts' conclusion stage and defining the optimal deal form.
The attorneys visit to the Customers’ office with the examination of documents and giving the verbal recommendations with the normative-law acts regarding the meeting agenda provided shortly after.
*** rubles for every 8 hours of the single consultants’ work plus percentage of the amount given from the positive verdict, (transport, daily and hotel expenses excluded).
The result of liquidity analysis is an expert conclusion regarding the company liquidity level with the provided recommendation of means to increase the liquidity value.
The estimation of the price of the real estate property of various types, including the evaluation of industrial and commercial real estate as well as unfinished objects, housing stocks and land lots.
Express inspection of the accounting and taxation reports based on registers of the accounting and tax accounting.
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