Интервью с Мэрлином Мэнсоном после выхода альбома Antichrist Superstar.
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ИнтервьюQ. First of all, thank you, Mr. Manson, for allowing us to speak with you today.
A. Oh, the honor is all mine. Your site has changed my life. One of the true wonders of our time.
Q. Thank you. Let me begin by asking, was it you, or your agent, who decided to go with the whole evil theme?
A. Well, you're making a presumption there, in that this whole thing is just an act. This is truly me, this is who I am. I have found a way to cut through, to clarify the human spirit, to see past the man-made foolishness of "religion" and "spirituality" and have refined myself until I have become something yet unseen in this world: an absolute evil being. My heart pumps a cold blackness that engulfs my non-soul, alllowing me to become a true Antichrist Superstar.
Q. I see. So, you came up with it on your own then?
A. No, it was my agent.
Q. Did you consider other themes or gimmicks for your act when you were starting out?
A. We thought about Christian Rock - you know, that's big now. But the money really is still in evil. Just look at the Backstreet Boys.
Q. Have you ever killed a man with your music?
A. No. Not that I know of.
Q. Have you tried?
A. Yes. It's hard to do. Again, unless you're the Backstreet Boys.
Q. Did you go through any other names before you landed on Marilyn Manson?
A. I started out as 'Evil McDeathmonster' but the record company wanted me to go for something a little more subtle. Besides, it was taken. I still like that name better, though. It really conveyed how evil I am.
Q. How evil would you say you are?
A. Oh, I'm evil times five. If evil were nickels, I'd have a quarter. I'm like Hitler, only moreso.
Q. So, how would you compare your evil to, say, Garth Brooks?
A. I'm about half as evil as he is.
Q. Wow.
A. Yeah. Like I said, I'm pretty evil.
Q. Let's talk about your music. Where do you get your inspiration?
A. Well, from Satan, of course. When it's time to cut a new song, I basically summon Satan and ask him for ideas. Then he demands a sacrifice of some kind, usually a live animal, but sometimes he just asks me to smack myself in the face a few times, while he giggles like a little girl. Anyway, after several hours of dark rituals, I then break out my Nine Inch album collection and listen for a track that I like. I take it, add a couple of layers of guitar, and sing about how evil I am over it. And there's the song.
Q. You must be proud.
A. Well, it's good money.
Q. What is your favorite band of all time?
A. "Right Said Fred."
Q. Favorite song?
A. "I'm too sexy" by Right Said Fred.
Q. And your favorite album...
A. The Right Said Fred album that features the song "I'm Too Sexy."
Q. Favorite movie?
A. Oh, that's not an easy one. I love horror and violence, so A Clockwork Orange would rank right up there, along with Seven. But my absolute favorite has to be Cannonball Run II. Dom Deluise. I mean, what can you say?
Q. On a personal level, how is your family?
A. We're doing great. Rose just gave birth to our second child, Skip. Our little girl, Bunny, just turned three. And of course, we have the three cats, Poofy, Tabby, and Mr. Whiskers. Rose loves Tabby, but Mr. Whiskers is daddy's cat. (to a cat on the floor) Aren't you, Mr. Whiskers? Are you daddy's cat? Yes you are. Yes you are! He he he he he he he he he he!!
Q. In light of the fact that you have your own children now, how do you feel about accusations
that your music is a negative influence on youth?
A. (to the cat, presumably) Here, kitty kitty kitty! Come to daddy! Oh, look, he's being shy. Don't be afraid of the stranger, Mr. Whiskers! Here, kitty kitty! Here kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty! Here kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty!
Q. Mr. Manson?
A. Where's your mouse, Mr. Whiskers? Bring me your little rubber mouse? Wanna play with your mouse? Huh? Here, kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty!
Q. I guess I'll should be going. Thank you for your time, Marilyn.
A. No! Bad Kitty! Daddy doesn't like it when you scratch the furniture! That's a bad kitty! Now come over here and bring me your mouse. Bring it to me! Here, kitty! Here, kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty...
Интервью с Мэрлином Мэнсоном после выхода альбома Antichrist Superstar.
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