понедельник, 09 апреля 2007
Посмотрел в справочнике клана самого редкого Эспера. Стало плохо.
Zodiark, the Eternal EvilHenne Mines, Special Charter Dig
Absorbs dark
Weak to holy.
Normal resistance against the other six elements.
Drops: None
Steal (often,medium,rare): Serpentarius, High Arcana, Megalixir
Lvl 66, HP: 336847, LP awarded: 70
Attack - 4% to inflict Disease.
Reflect - Places Reflect.
Bravery - Places Bravery.
Faith - Places Faith.
Lvl 2 Sleep - Inflicts Sleep on all characters with levels divisible by 2.
Lvl 3 Disable - Inflicts Disable on all characters with levels divisible by 3.
Lvl 4 Break - Inflicts Break on all characters with levels divisible by 4.
Piercing Graviga - Deals to an area damage of half the target's Max HP.
Banish Ray - Standard single-damage dark-elemental spell.
Scathe - Strong area non-elemental spell.
Darkja - 50% to inflict Instant Kill + Blind, yeowch!!
Battle Cry - Used on self, so normal attacks are stronger.
Limit Break - Used on self, so attacks and magicks have no charge time.
Mana Spring - Used on self, so spells no longer cost MP.
Barrier Change - Used on self, so elemental weakness switches when hit with the
Greater Barrier - Places both Protect and Shell on himself. Also, his
subsequent damage received is reduced.
Notable passives:
Penetrate Reflect.
Increases Attack Power when HP Critical.
Increases Magick Power when HP Critical.
Gun and Measure damage is reduced to 1/8.
Returns 5% of damage to the attacker.
Boss' HP < 50% --- Zodiark's Evasion +25.
Boss' HP < 20% --- Zodiark becomes immune to physical damage.
Boss gets Dispelled --- Zodiark becomes immune to magickal damage.