Malevolence goes both ways.
Wish Upon a Blackstar-Chapter 01 Official Release Details
How's that for a title you never thought you would see? More like, how's that for a title I thought I'd never see? I'm here to tell you, it's true. Chapter 01 is done - mostly. I have a buttload (eww) of updates to drop on you (double-eww.) So grab a coffee, Pop Tart, Vaseline or all of the above and read on...
Let me get right to what 98% of you actually want to know: When is the release date? Today is Tuesday, August 4th and in exactly THREE WEEKS Chapter 01 drops like an old man's trousers at a colonoscopy. TUESDAY, AUGUST 25TH, Chapter 01 goes live.
Here are a lot more details about the release:
I recognize that it seems like things have been quiet on my end the last few weeks. The truth is I wanted to be able to actually focus on getting things done so i can really show them to you instead of just talk about how I was getting them done. Well, now they're mostly done. Both "Louder Than Words" and "So Long Sentiment" are completely mixed - final. I am currently wrapping up editing a custom instrumental version of "Louder Than Words" where I added a few sounds to make it cooler IMHO. I also ended up using different music for the verses in the custom instrumental as well. I had this heavily sidechained live bassline that was fighting with the vocal, so I scrapped it and created something else so the vocal could pop. I've always liked the gritty, nasty live bass and felt in an instrumental context it was cooler, so now you'll have it.
To answer a question many of you have been asking: "How long is Chapter 01?" The 2 songs collectively clock in at almost 11 minutes. Think about it this way - it's about the same length as 4 pop songs. Wow, lots of bang for your buck.
Next comes some stuff that I've been promised will be cool (cooler for you than me however.) I probably wouldn't have naturally done this, but the good people around me swear that there will be at least 3 or 4 people who will want extra stuff, i.e. - my demos. I collected over a dozen different demos of the songs in various stages during the writing process. I'm planning on editing sections from each for those peeps who want to hear where these songs came from to how they ultimately ended up.
Next I need to do an edit of "Louder Than Words" so I can post a preview for you to hear. Wait, huh? I'm jumping ahead of myself. I meant, NEXT I need to send the songs off to mastering to make them sound a little more bad-asser.
I also tweeted last week that I had signed off on the final artwork for Chapter 01. What I haven't told you is that during the last few weeks we've been working on designing potential shirt, sticker, poster & other cool goodies to try to have ready for the release of Chapter 01. So, just letting you know it's in the works, but no definite details to leak yet.
Speaking of artwork, as I mentioned numerous times I will be doing an expanded PDF for this release that will include some pretty badass images that YOU have created. In fact, the deadline for submissions was August 1st, but now that I know that we have a few more weeks to go, I'll say that if you missed the deadline or now feel inspired, I'll take submissions for art until August 21st. Read all the details HERE. There are at least 15 pieces picked out already that I'll be including in the expanded PDF, so get on it or get on someone you know who wants to be involved.
Ok, only a few more things, but saving the best for last. Here is the breakdown:
Celldweller - Wish Upon a Blackstar (Chapter 01 of 05)
Available Tuesday, August 25th exclusively @
Standard Edition:
Louder Than Words
So Long Sentiment
PDF Booklet (w lyrics, art and user submitted art)
Deluxe Edition:
Louder Than Words + Custom Instrumental
So Long Sentiment + Instrumental
PDF Booklet (w lyrics, art and user submitted art)
Louder Than Words Bonus Demo Files (Beta Cession Demos)
So Long Sentiment (Beta Cession Demos)
There will be other packages and options bundled with shirts, stickers, posters etc announced when Chapter 01 is live.
AND FINALLY... You've made it pretty clear to me that you want to see the album cover. You've also made it pretty clear to me that you want to HEAR "Louder Than Words" so I'm thinking "Why not do both?" Next Monday, August 10th I will post the full Chapter 01 Album cover and a preview of "Louder Than Words" right here at Celldweller.Com, k? K.
I've typed too much. I've probably missed some things, but I'll be updating during the week. Might even drop some vid to you of more Louder Than Words mixidown madness during the week.
Word to ya momma's -
25ое августа.
How's that for a title you never thought you would see? More like, how's that for a title I thought I'd never see? I'm here to tell you, it's true. Chapter 01 is done - mostly. I have a buttload (eww) of updates to drop on you (double-eww.) So grab a coffee, Pop Tart, Vaseline or all of the above and read on...
Let me get right to what 98% of you actually want to know: When is the release date? Today is Tuesday, August 4th and in exactly THREE WEEKS Chapter 01 drops like an old man's trousers at a colonoscopy. TUESDAY, AUGUST 25TH, Chapter 01 goes live.
Here are a lot more details about the release:
I recognize that it seems like things have been quiet on my end the last few weeks. The truth is I wanted to be able to actually focus on getting things done so i can really show them to you instead of just talk about how I was getting them done. Well, now they're mostly done. Both "Louder Than Words" and "So Long Sentiment" are completely mixed - final. I am currently wrapping up editing a custom instrumental version of "Louder Than Words" where I added a few sounds to make it cooler IMHO. I also ended up using different music for the verses in the custom instrumental as well. I had this heavily sidechained live bassline that was fighting with the vocal, so I scrapped it and created something else so the vocal could pop. I've always liked the gritty, nasty live bass and felt in an instrumental context it was cooler, so now you'll have it.
To answer a question many of you have been asking: "How long is Chapter 01?" The 2 songs collectively clock in at almost 11 minutes. Think about it this way - it's about the same length as 4 pop songs. Wow, lots of bang for your buck.
Next comes some stuff that I've been promised will be cool (cooler for you than me however.) I probably wouldn't have naturally done this, but the good people around me swear that there will be at least 3 or 4 people who will want extra stuff, i.e. - my demos. I collected over a dozen different demos of the songs in various stages during the writing process. I'm planning on editing sections from each for those peeps who want to hear where these songs came from to how they ultimately ended up.
Next I need to do an edit of "Louder Than Words" so I can post a preview for you to hear. Wait, huh? I'm jumping ahead of myself. I meant, NEXT I need to send the songs off to mastering to make them sound a little more bad-asser.
I also tweeted last week that I had signed off on the final artwork for Chapter 01. What I haven't told you is that during the last few weeks we've been working on designing potential shirt, sticker, poster & other cool goodies to try to have ready for the release of Chapter 01. So, just letting you know it's in the works, but no definite details to leak yet.
Speaking of artwork, as I mentioned numerous times I will be doing an expanded PDF for this release that will include some pretty badass images that YOU have created. In fact, the deadline for submissions was August 1st, but now that I know that we have a few more weeks to go, I'll say that if you missed the deadline or now feel inspired, I'll take submissions for art until August 21st. Read all the details HERE. There are at least 15 pieces picked out already that I'll be including in the expanded PDF, so get on it or get on someone you know who wants to be involved.
Ok, only a few more things, but saving the best for last. Here is the breakdown:
Celldweller - Wish Upon a Blackstar (Chapter 01 of 05)
Available Tuesday, August 25th exclusively @
Standard Edition:
Louder Than Words
So Long Sentiment
PDF Booklet (w lyrics, art and user submitted art)
Deluxe Edition:
Louder Than Words + Custom Instrumental
So Long Sentiment + Instrumental
PDF Booklet (w lyrics, art and user submitted art)
Louder Than Words Bonus Demo Files (Beta Cession Demos)
So Long Sentiment (Beta Cession Demos)
There will be other packages and options bundled with shirts, stickers, posters etc announced when Chapter 01 is live.
AND FINALLY... You've made it pretty clear to me that you want to see the album cover. You've also made it pretty clear to me that you want to HEAR "Louder Than Words" so I'm thinking "Why not do both?" Next Monday, August 10th I will post the full Chapter 01 Album cover and a preview of "Louder Than Words" right here at Celldweller.Com, k? K.
I've typed too much. I've probably missed some things, but I'll be updating during the week. Might even drop some vid to you of more Louder Than Words mixidown madness during the week.
Word to ya momma's -
25ое августа.