Malevolence goes both ways.
There are roughly 11.5 million WoW subscribers around the world. That’s more than the population of Cuba or New York City.

North American and European players produce $800 million per year in revenue, larger than the GDP of Samoa. This figure doesn’t include the other 5.5 million subscribers in Asia who make up 48% of WoW’s players.

Subscribers in America spend an average of 22.7 hours a week playing WoW as opposed to 35 hours at work and 39.25 hours watching TV.

1 in 5 of WoW players are female.

The most popular race are not Night Elves or Taurens but Humans. They make up 19% of all the characters.

Celebrity players include Dave Chapelle, Jenna Jameson, Cameron Diaz, Elijah Wood, Jessica Simpson and Mr. T.

It took only 150 developers to create 30,000 items, 5300 NPCs and 7600 Quests.

The server side of WoW consists of 20,000 computers, 1.3 petabytes of storage, 75,000 CPU cores, 5.5 million lines of code and 2 million words of text.

The server upkeep costs $136,986 per day, the same as purchasing a sparkling new AUDI R8 every single day.

The second expansion, Wrath of the Lich King, sold 1933 copies a minute for a total of 2.8 million by the end of the first day of release, making it the fastest selling PC game of all time.

Players complete 16.6 million quests and participate in 3.5 million auctions each day.


27.02.2010 в 13:22

you're standing on my neck
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